The number one factor that stalls client’s health journeys is consistency. So many women (and men!) come to us as holistic health coaches having tried countless diets and health programs only to fail and return to where they started. Our coaches focus on teaching you the how in the process so that you can build a lifestyle that supports your health and wellness goals long term. If you’re struggling with consistency, read on.
The Two Simple Signs That You Struggle With Consistency
First off, let’s determine whether you struggle with consistency. Does this sound like you?
You become fixated on a desired outcome
E.g.: a healthier body, feeling confident on a beach vacation, fitting back in a favorite dress or pair of pants.
You join the gym, eat really clean and for the first 10 days or so, you’re driven by your motivation to meet your goal. You put the work in every. single. day.
BUT your motivation starts to slip
You skip your workouts this week, past habits creep in and before you know it, it’s been weeks since your last workout. You’re back where you started and the cycle begins all. over. again.
Can you relate? Lack of consistency can be incredibly frustrating. But, it IS the key to progress in ALL areas of our life.
The Reasons You’re Struggling to Be Consistent
You’re focusing on the outcome rather than focusing on the process.
Any outcome that excites you that much, is probably one that won’t be achieved without hard work and sacrifice. It’s probably going to take more than a few days too (or 4 weeks, as some programs promise), which means without certain strategies in place, it’s going to be hard to maintain the efforts needed to accomplish your goal.
What are you focusing on?
When it comes to your body goals (as with other things in life), there are going to be things that are completely in your control, and others that are completely OUT of your control and it’s very important to know the difference.
Spending energy on the things you can’t control ultimately does NOTHING for you except to steal energy away from where you could be putting it to good use - things IN your control.
I mean, think about it, you could focus on:
- How far you still have to go to reach your goals
- That you don’t like your arms
- What the number on the scale says and how you don’t like that number
- The cellulite you have on your butt
- How your best friend is losing weight faster than you
Do you have control over any of those?
Nope - you have no direct control over these things.
How does that make you feel?
Like poop. Frustrated, with low self esteem and self belief.
What about if instead you focus on:
- Hitting your daily nutrient goals
- Implementing stress management practices to feel more balanced in your busy lifestyle
- Giving your all in your strength workouts
- Getting enough sleep
- Drinking your water
Do you have control over these things?
Yes, you have direct control over all of these things (and more!)
Now how does that focus make you feel?
Hopeful, positive, better energy and focus, empowered by your own action & follow through.
The coolest part is that where you choose to focus, is also in your control. You get to choose where you give your attention & that in itself is so powerful (once you realize it).
It’s my intent to empower women with the skills to focus their energy on the things they CAN CONTROL, & learn how to let go of what they can’t.
Wanna know how? Get in touch.
7 Ways to Build Better Consistency
In order to get to your goals, you need:
a plan
to know the goal (read here for setting realistic goals)
identify your why
set mini-goals
develop a process.
The hardest part of the plan for many, is the process. Changing your lifestyle habits and your day to day actions is tough. This is where consistency plays its biggest role.
1. Know why you need and want to change.
Just because you know better doesn’t mean you'll do better and just because you ‘should’ doesn’t mean you will. You’re not alone. Start by getting super clear on WHY you want to change what you are trying to change. If you DON’T change this thing, what will it cost you? What pains will continue to occur or get worse? Make sure this thing you are trying to change is something you want to change. *Note, this may come back to your belief system & what you believe will create change over what actually will.
2. Make what you want to do easier
Anticipate triggers, challenges & things that could potentially pull you off focus. Know what you will do when those triggers occur. Start by expecting some twists, so you have a support system in place to keep from being deterred. This will also avoid self sabotage.
Create pathways for success not excuses. Let’s be real, if something is easy you’ll be more likely to do it. Especially with a typical day being quite busy… doing something new, that takes more brain power and it isn’t likely to happen. Think about it in terms of food choices. If food is prepped, are you more likely to choose it? If your phone is shut off, are you more likely to do something other than scroll?
This goes for the opposite: make what you don't want to do harder: It’s harder to eat the bag of cookies when it’s on the top shelf vs eye level.
3. Unmotivated? DO. IT. ANYWAYS.
You aren’t always going to feel inspired or motivated. But if you just do it (Nike said it first), you keep the rhythm going. When you do this long enough, motivation becomes dedication and it is no longer an issue.
Easier said than done, sure. But that’s why my coaches and I are here. We suggest creating a reward system.
Without using food as a reward, what is something you maybe normally do or would love to treat yourself to, that you can utilize as a reward for improving and doing what you said you were going to do. Identify when you win and succeed each day to help you feel the momentum of your daily successes.
Consider how you feel in the moment of success as well and this can work as an additional reward system. If you feel unmotivated one day, retrieve the thoughts and feelings you had in those successful moments.
4. Forgive yourself (and move on).
This one is SO important. Don’t beat yourself up when you have a hiccup. That’s all part of the process. Punishing yourself only causes you to demotivate. Rather, say you could have tried harder and run faster or not given into your cake craving, accept that. Consider how your body feels that day and why you maybe didn’t CHOOSE to try as hard, how could you change those factors? Is there anything you did well? We tend to self criticize much easier than self promote, take the other stance here and note all the things you actually did DO too.
You wouldn’t punish your friend for having a below-par day would you? So treat yourself with that same kindness and support. Forgive yourself and move on.
5. Redefine success
I can’t tell you how many times I find people labeling perfect as success. When they do anything but perfect it is a ‘miss’ & directs them into marking the day as a ‘bad day’. You must redefine success when it comes to health goals. Using words like more, better and 80% will help you feel successful as you are creating new behaviors. Thinking that success is always, perfection or 100% will likely lead you to repeat living by "all or nothing".
6. Find an accountability partner.
As humans, we all succumb to peer pressure and sometimes that can be positive. If you have someone holding you accountable (and you them) there’s another person to work hard for.
It could be as simple as telling your colleagues you’re going to work out that evening and then you’ve voiced a promise to someone other than yourself.
What works best though, is to have a regular accountability partner. Select 1-2 trusted friends to check in on each other (I have a WhatsApp group for this) or hire a coach to share your goal.
We have a community for this purpose. She Strong Community was created for women to support each other in their health and weight loss journeys. We share tips, tricks, achievements and struggles. It’s a safe space to ask questions and find accountability.
7. Find joy in the process.
It’s gonna be tough to keep on track if you aren’t enjoying it. Ultimately, all these steps lead to this. If you can check them off then you should be enjoying it. Enjoy learning about nutrition, enjoy how your body feels with regular exercise and enjoy your new found energy levels, better sleep and balanced hormones.
If you ever have a lull of enjoyment or question why you’re doing this, return to your goals and your why.
When you feel stuck
Sometimes the journey towards our goals passes through these stages where it seems like nothing is really taking place. We feel stuck; we might feel like nothing is happening to advance our progress. Don’t let this jeopardize your consistency; it’s often in these times that the greatest changes are taking place.
So much of this process is about what goes on with us on the inside, and while we stare anxiously in the mirror for evidence of the physical changes, it’s actually what is happening on the inside that is the most powerful. Each day that we find it within ourselves to exercise, we are building discipline, inner strength, perseverance and our ability to dedicate ourselves to things that really matter.
Fat loss, toned muscles and all of the physical rewards of our daily training are really just the by-products of having the inner fortitude to stick it out day in day out. This inner power that we develop has the ability to touch every area of our lives, and the confidence it can lend each of us is truly just as transformative as all of the amazing physical results we experience together.
Think about your strength today during your workout and feel the drive of your movements from the inside out – it’s there, where your true power rests.
How to Get Unstuck
You are not alone if you are feeling challenged with follow through and consistency. We help so many people, like you, to harness the tools needed to succeed on your journey beyond the time you spend working with us. We want you to reach and maintain your goals for the rest of your life.
Wanna know more? Book a free chat with us and we can see how we could work together, what might be holding you back and how we can master your consistency. Or, if you’re ready to commit, fill out a coaching application and get ready for success!