I health coach busy women (and men), like you, to build better thoughts, make better decisions and choose better actions in their nutrition, health and fitness. I ensure this ‘plan’ is the last weight loss plan someone needs to get where they want to go and stay there!
For example, I make the “what’s stopping you from getting started” no longer an excuse because I will help you make the hard stuff and the challenging parts of the journey, easier as I educate you why, teach you the how and help you create strategies and tools for long term support in your wellness and weight loss journey.
It’s Time To Stop Chasing Your Weight Loss Goals
My goal as a coach is to help you stop chasing your weight loss and health goals and start actually achieving them.
Everyday women (and men) tell me that:
- they want to improve their metabolism
- they’re tired of chasing fat loss
- they want to see muscle tone
- nothing has worked
- weight loss results never stick around
- they REALLY want (need!) to lose the fat
You have probably tried countless diets and weight loss programs to ‘lose weight fast’ or ‘get a bikini bod in 6 weeks’, right? You’re not alone. We all have a tendency to think in extremes, and I get it, you feel uncomfortable and want to feel better asap, so the faster you can create change, the better. However, research has proven that the faster you get physical results, the faster they’re likely to disappear (I bet you could’ve stated that fact yourself from all your trial and error).
If you have found yourself chasing your goals and either:
you continue to try for them but have not achieved them
you’ve achieved your goals but they only were achieved for a short time for them to slowly or quickly leave you again
You’ve achieved your goals but now you are stuck living at an extreme trying to control every aspect of your health in fear they will go away if you don’t get in one workout or eat one meal that wasn’t planned
Then Coaching is a NEED.
The cost of not getting help at this point is going to be so much more than the actual monetary investment. I’ve found after a decade of coaching that it’s these costs that are both standing in one’s way from the goals and happiness they are chasing or getting them results.
So let’s briefly discuss something that no one really talks about, the cost of getting help vs not getting help.
The cost of not getting help:
Money spent on random plans, group coaching, programs (the small amounts add up - do the math from the past few months or years)
Distrust in your body
Lack of confidence in your capability
Deeper health issues from doing the wrong ‘plan’ or simply focusing on nutrition and fitness without assessing the other systems of your body like your metabolism and hormones.
Potentially months or years more of chasing your goals
The cost of getting help:
I don’t list these to ‘sell’ you on coaching, I list them to discuss with you what you already know. That if what you are doing, what you know to do isn’t bringing you closer to your goals or if how you are feeling is growing increasingly worse, then you need help. Putting off help is only going to put off life and can potentially bring more chaos to your future in the form of unwanted discomforts like disease or other health issues.
You want to live a big life, and one of the only ways to do that is to make sure you CAN live that life well, with your health and vitality!
Ready to start approaching your goals with confidence? Inquire here!
What You Need to Succeed at Your Weight Loss Goals
A health and weight loss journey needs teamwork. It requires unwavering effort because it is emotional, confusing, intricate and unique to you meaning that the person helping guide you, needs to know the systems of the body and the mind both with their up to date studies and their experience.
A coach should be your biggest advocate, a cheerleader, an educator, a supporter of your accountability and a strategist.
It’s a big role and often you might have to trial a few to find the right fit but once you find that right one, you are going to feel all the pressure and worry about IF you are going to accomplish your goals and feel better and simply KNOW you will.
But how do you know that you will succeed?
First, it is often our lack of confidence in understanding what to do that leaves us doing nothing, or worse, putting in effort and not seeing any change. Coaching streamlines all the information and creates a personalized series of steps. And second, coaching helps you build consistency and follow through… even if you have the best plan set for you, it won’t matter unless you can follow through on it.
For over a decade now I've coached individuals to their goals and there are some key characteristics that stand out which separate those who are successful from those who are not.
Those who are successful:
- Value learning
- Are willing to try new things (requirement of most all change)
- Recognize that how they are doing things hasn't worked and surrender to a new plan of action (what they hired me/us for!)
- Understand being uncomfortable is part of the process of changing
- They believe their past failures have no bearing on their future outcomes
- They are willing to be vulnerable with what they look like, feel like and are capable of
- They identify their weak character traits and work to improve them (this supports the sustainability of your results)
Do these sound like you?
With our holistic approach to health coaching, we start from the roots, building knowledge and habits from the ground up to grow your strength mentally and physically. We dig deep to the roots in order to truly uncover what’s been holding you back from reaching your goals and we embark on your journey in stages: The soil, the roots, the bloom and the flower.
The Soil: Assess and Prep
An off the rack weight loss plan is not going to work for everyone and if it did, you wouldn’t be here. So at VRHC, we start off with the evaluation of your health history, current fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, habits/behaviors and how you’re feeling in your mind and body.
This is our time to get to know each other, to build goals together and discover what could have been blocking your weight loss success.
The Roots: Create The Foundations
Without a solid foundation, the details are going to be a lot less effective. Many people start off with a whole lot of motivation feeling ready to go as hard as they can so they can see quick results. This is the absolute last thing you want to do. The quicker and harder you go, the more likely you’ll be on it & then off it once again. And we all know, without consistency, there’s no way to achieve results.
Regardless of whether you may need to work into a digestive protocol or fix blood sugar issues, we start with foundations because all outcomes require behavior change.
Why you have those digestive issues or low energy is related to some set of behaviors you are participating in. This allows you to build a solid foundation of healthy habits both physically & mentally/emotionally while also supporting that specific goal. This will then also allow specific protocols to be much more effective due to a client's improved adherence, consistency and confidence.
AND, I have also seen it tens of dozens of times these foundational habits improve & eliminate many & sometimes all of someone’s initial symptoms.
Ya’ll, dominate the basics before you move to the details. If you have been struggling with consistency ask yourself if you have truly spent time building a solid foundation of daily habits that set you up for success.
We’ve got a lot of tips & tricks - reach out if you could use some help with this!
The Bloom: Optimize Your Health and Metabolism
We work with you on a personalized nutrition plan. One that will target your specific needs and be sustainable to manage solo, so it’s not gonna be a crazy strict diet of restrictions like you might have tried before, in fact it’s kind of the opposite…
Most clients need to go into a different kind of diet before they can truly reap the results of a calorie deficit. This "diet before the diet" is called a reverse diet. It means eating at maintenance intake or above. Most clients get very "unsure" when they hear this - they're scared to eat more until they trust in our knowledge and try. Then, they quickly start to realize it's exactly what they needed to stop spinning their wheels and start to see some real results.
This is when some really awesome things happen, including:
- They get stronger in the gym and starting to see shape in their body via more muscle
- Cravings subside and they have control around foods they once couldn't keep in the house
- They care less about the scale and know scale fluctuations are normal hence giving more attention to how they feel, hello better body image
- Digestion improves, goodbye bloat
- Sleep is restful and it's easy to wake up (goodbye afternoon dips in energy)
- They set better boundaries because they realize it helps them feel better
- Their anxiety improves
- Moods stabilize
- Confidence skyrockets because they now trust in their ability to be consistent
- Some will even lose a good chunk of weight by eating more
And the truth is, most clients who initially aren't thrilled with the idea of spending time at maintenance intake or above, end up loving it.
4. The Flower: Permission to Diet and Learn How to Maintain
You reach this stage when your body has given you ‘permission’ to enter a calorie deficit. We don’t do this blindly, we cater it to your body over a 12-18 week period.
But this is not the end goal. The flower truly opens when you have the knowledge and tools to maintain your goal weight without our coaches, when you reach your lifestyle change.
This is the stage that is so often forgotten in other plans; you lose the weight, go to the event and then what? Back to your old ways? Not with us, this is why all four stages are so important to your coaching journey.
What About Workouts?
At VRHC we also offer exercise programming to help you know exactly what and how to when it comes to your fitness routine. There's also always an option to feel extra supported with virtual personal training.
Exercise is so important to your body’s health and appearance. On top of the physical benefits, fitness affects our sleep, stress, digestion, hormones and mental health greatly. Read more about weight training benefits here.
Training programs are an optional part of our health coaching packages, it all depends on your goals and your lifestyle. Book a free chat and see what’s right for you!
Do You Feel It’s Time You Got a Coach?
Sure, you might have reservations:
Can’t fit into your life right now? Our holistic health coaches delve into your lifestyle and find time not just for your weight loss journey but also for your me time.
Too expensive? Consider the health and happiness vs money costs I outlined above. How much you have spent on diet pills, juice cleanses, gym memberships and personal trainers in the past. We give you the tools to be consistent and continue the journey solo so it’s the last time you’ll pay. Surely your health is worth it? Also, don’t be scared away, we can personalize packages to fit your budget.
Scared you will fail (again) so why invest? You will only fail if you don’t try. What if you succeed this time? Failing multiple times can really crush your belief that it’s possible. But not trying again, keeps you here, in this uncomfortable place and you can’t stay here. Here is only going to get worse without effort. If this is you, please reach out, we can help and we really want to.
You might feel scared, or not know if you are ‘ready’ and that’s why we like to chat with you before you commit. We understand it’s a big commitment you are making, and we want you to know that we are committed to help you just as much. Ready or not, if you are here, reading this, you are ready. Fill out an application, let’s do this!