Are you fearful you will fail… once again? I get it. Many of my clients have had unsatisfactory results after trialing other diet programs and health coaches. It’s not a one size fits all process and finding the right one for you matters.

Whether you are changing body composition, losing weight, decreasing body fat, increasing muscle or desiring to look more ‘toned’… you are not going to achieve a sustainable result by using restriction, a quick/fix or any extreme method.

Most fail in their weight loss results because they fail in their strategy. You must be willing to put in the extra time and effort to trial different strategies to find what works. You will fail in the process and this information will help you find your strategy.

When it comes to mindset, it often gets overlooked but there’s actually a lot to unpack. This blog will highlight the importance of the right mindset for a successful health journey. I’ve included the mindset shifts that I use for myself and my clients.

Amanda on the couch

Overcoming The Fear of Failure

The fear of failure can arise from the “All or Nothing” mindset and this is not where you want to be to succeed. 

Sometimes when faced with big decisions — especially those regarding business, finances, and/or significant time and energetic commitment — it can feel easier just to make no decisions at all. It’s as though you’re protecting yourself from what “could happen” when truthfully all that does is trap you in a place of feeling stuck, unchanged, and here.

I’ve been there; this fear of uncertainty, fear of the unknown, fear of what may or may not happen feels paralyzing. You don’t want to make the wrong decision - it’s all or nothing. (This can turn into excuses, check out this blog post on how to stop!)

One way to break this thought cycle is to start thinking in terms of more and less. Instead of labeling actions as success or failure, often leading to 100% or not at all, start to think about doing actions either more or less often. 

Thinking this way can often help eliminate the feeling of "if it's not perfect, it's not enough" which will often stop someone from starting or continuing after a "mess up". Think more like:

  • All or SOMETHING

  • My decisions are my choice and while they don’t all need to be perfect, they do all matter

  • How can I be better in this moment

  • I might not be A+, but how can I be B+?

Being and doing 80% rather than 100% will make you more likely to do your desired actions regularly with less fear of failing your A* goal. By not striving for perfection, you’re more likely to reach it. And heck, that might be more enjoyable for you too.

Why not re-think the uncertainty of the fear of failure? 

Uncertainty also means infinite possibility.​

This literally means that anything and everything IS POSSIBLE. Your 'what if' leaves the possibility for things to be better than you imagined.

  • What if it doesn’t go as planned...but instead, exceeds what you expected?

  • What if you don’t succeed? But instead learn more about what doesn't work and what might work?

  • What if... you learn more about yourself, your strengths, your abilities and capabilities and ultimately

This is why mindset matters. Because the moment where something doesn't work, is the moment you decide if you're a failure or if it's simply information that guides you to what WILL work.

It's those pivotal moments that determine the outcome. You literally just need to not give up and your success will become unavoidable.

8 thought changes that helped Amanda

7 Mindset Shifts That Changed My Body

I started my health and fitness journey at 13, over 20 years later I am in a place where I know my mind and body so well. I’ve educated myself in nutrition, fitness and health, but everyday I am still learning (read more about my personal journey here). Most days I still come back to my pivotal mindset shifts, the ones that changed my body physically, as well as my love for it. The most commonly overlooked component of one’s body transformation is the fact that it is going to require a mindset shift.

My ten core mindset shifts are:

👉🏼 Stop treating your health as a chore and start finding enjoyment in your chosen habits

👉🏼 Stop thinking that tomorrow is special and understand that every choice brings you closer to how you desire to feel and look, or farther away

👉🏼 Accept that it’s going to take longer than you want

👉🏼 Stop trying to be perfect, it will never happen and will only make you feel like a failure

👉🏼 Understand that the shape you desire is likely going to come from having more muscle, not just losing fat

👉🏼 Start embracing a balance in your food choices and exercise regiment so it’s sustainable long term

👉🏼 Set intentions that support your most likely success

Do these resonate with you? Which one do you need to work on the most?

These shifts can be something you work on in your own time and we recommend trying them out and seeing the difference. But, we know it’s tough always being your own cheerleader, so that’s why we always recommend coaching. Read on to see how we help our clients reach and maintain their goals.

Woman embracing the sunshine

How We Shift Client’s Mindsets to Guarantee Success

The moment you shift from seeing problems to seeking solutions, everything changes AND you become truly unstoppable.
Both your body and your brain are programmed to keep you safe. This means that it will look for threats and the negative out there. And if you believe that initial response, you'll be caught in a story that tells you why you can't, shouldn't or aren't capable enough to achieve or change a less than ideal situation. You have to intentionally work at shifting that response to support a mindset that will allow you to achieve all you desire.

This is why mastering your mind is a foundational need to mastering your body. Because if every time something got hard or less than ideal, you gave up, you would never achieve much of anything. Right?

Taking the time to dig a bit deeper into your thoughts will pay you back ten fold in sustaining how you want to feel and look.

We pride ourselves on providing unparalleled value to our clients because we believe it's about finding a coach who possesses a blend of expertise in mindset, behavior change, and physiology – three areas in which  our coaches  excel:

1. Mindset Mastery: We'll work closely with you to identify and overcome any mental barriers that may be holding you back, helping you get out of your own way, eliminate self sabotage and develop an empowering mindset.

2. Behavior Change Expertise: We recognize that old habits can be hard to break. Our team is skilled at helping clients make sustainable lifestyle changes by implementing small, manageable adjustments that lead to big results over time.

3. Physiological Deep Dive: With our extensive knowledge and experience of human physiology, we help you up-regulate your metabolic health, improve any bodily discomforts and create personalized training and nutrition plans tailored to your body's unique needs.

If you are fearful you will fail once again, know that most of those who apply to work with us have either:

1. Tried endless amounts of programs, coaches and plans

2. Never had a coach before

And no matter if you are in group 1 or 2, if you want help, if you want to change, we will do everything in our power to help you make that happen.

That is what coaching is to us. Coaching is a completely customized approach to identifying your weak links in physical health, mental health and behavior and making them strong. This is how our approach will cause you to succeed this time.

So, when you're ready, complete the  quick application  and book a free discovery call so we can chat about your ideal situation in regards to your health and fitness goals. You’ll leave the call having learned some tips to help you along on your journey and if we are a good fit to pursue support, we’ll be set up with next steps there. 

Let's sift through the fear and uncertainty together so you can move forward in your health journey with the confidence and clarity you need to create permanent change once and for all.


