Do you look in the mirror every morning and scrutinize your body? Are you growing impatient at your (seeming) lack of results? You’re not alone, girl. I work with women through holistic health coaching (online and in person) to re-think their progress and improve their process to change. A big part of what can be keeping you here is your mindset but we also coach you on diet, nutrition, health and fitness to help find measures beyond the mirror. Trust me, you’ll look at your reflection in a few weeks time and LOVE what you see and feel.
Not Seeing Progress? Ask Yourself This:
First off, we need to address what it is that’s causing your frustration. It could be that you’re missing something from your health journey (the plan isn’t working) or it could simply be your perception. I often find these two questions (above) lead to some great understandings around what needs to change in order to see some progress.
The goal with these questions is to uncover the reason why you aren't seeing the progress you desire.
Is it because of your lack of effort, adherence or consistency?
Is it because of something physiological that’s been an issue like irregular periods, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, etc?
Or is it because the plan of attack you are following isn't actually the right one for you?
The best part about things NOT working, is it narrows down what CAN work.
To start, be real and honest with yourself and take a moment to reflect. What’s standing in your way? Take a second to go through these questions point-by-point and see what becomes apparent.
Ok, so you’ve written down what is and isn’t working in your current weight loss plan, what could be improved with your routine?
What To Prioritize For Optimum Weight Loss
Now you need to consider whether you could be approaching your weight loss journey in a better way for you. The majority of new clients come to us after having lived at the top of this pyramid for years. Endless diets and money spent on expensive boot camps or out of the box ‘weight loss solutions’. So this is one of the first points we address: where is their focus?
Are you focused on the top or the bottom of the pyramid?
We’ve been led to believe that health & fitness is all about exercise & food.
OF COURSE these things are important, however, many of you have already learned that they aren’t the end all answer when it comes to feeling good, creating fat loss and changing your physique (for good).
Adopting a healthier lifestyle (those everyday things you do), is much more than your workout plan & eating ‘whole foods’.
Here is a quick 3 step process and explanation to help you define your stepping stones.
- How do you define healthy?
- What is success to you?
- Why do you want to create new behaviors?
- Are you aware of what triggers & challenges you daily causing the patterns that don’t serve you?
- Do you believe you CAN change?
You must be responsible for the AMOUNT of food you consume. Listen, you can only diet for so long until it’s no longer effective. It doesn’t matter if you don’t MEAN to under eat or you are intentionally doing so, it’s the same physical reaction and LIVING THERE is doing harm to your health & your ability to create fat loss.
You need to spend the majority of the year living in maintenance then if you desire to change your shape, set time aside to reverse diet or build. Dieting should be a span of 8-16 weeks, no more.
Movement throughout your day is one of the key components of both physical & mental health… walking, playing with your dog, gardening, dancing…
And if you haven’t heard it preached before, here it is: actively. manage. your. stress. NOT managing stress is the number one reason I see so many resistant to weight loss. I often will call this restorative time. Taking small breaks in the day is one way to support this, meditate, deep breaths, paint, draw, sing, journal, take a walk (tech free), eat lunch undistracted… If you want to delve deeper, take a look at this blog or get in touch to see how we can help with all things health and stress.
Learn proper nutrition (enough protein, lots of colorful fruits/veggies, healthy fats, mainly whole foods, occasional treats, etc) & implement a progressive strength training routine + any additional cardio.
These are ALL critical pieces for creating a strong foundation which impacts that often used word, your metabolism. And the best part is once you have these down, the rest will be easier (& likely more enjoyable too)!
Be Prepared for Delayed Gratification
Before you can really rid yourself of the impatience and frustration of ‘lack of results’, you need to understand what is truly needed to achieve the results you’re after and decide if you are willing to put in the work.
The branded diets and quick fat-loss programs all have the problem of the fast track. It might lead to quicker visible results but it does it in a way that is unsustainable for your body and your lifestyle. So we need to learn how to appreciate the slower SUSTAINABLE process and accept and be okay with delayed gratification.
Right now, you could eat a doughnut, stay in bed all day, book a trip to Hawaii and tell your boss to eff off, but you don’t do these things because at some level, you understand the value of self-control and delayed gratification.
But when it comes to physique change, many of you struggle with your self-control, patience and motivation.
Yesterday for breakfast I had 2 slices of gluten free toast with avocado and turkey bacon alongside eggs with veggies and goat cheese. After eating, I didn’t immediately go over to the bathroom mirror and see if I was leaner. There wasn’t an immediate result in the physique department. The same goes for if I had a donut for breakfast. After eating it, I wouldn’t immediately go over to the bathroom mirror and see if I gained bodyfat.
After working with hundreds of you, I’ve seen this play out a million times over when it comes to both the fears of gaining and the expectation of getting results.
Humans like immediacy - it makes sense to us. If I slip on ice and fall on my wrist - the pain is immediate. If I open my instagram app and scroll, I’ll immediately be entertained. If I turn the knob left on the faucet, I’ll immediately get hot water.
We don’t get many immediate rewards for eating healthy each day. We have to choose to continue moving forward because we feel like it’s the right thing to do. When it comes to how we look, there is no instantly measurable outcome. We don’t get a see defined arms, the scale 5lbs down or #abs after one day of eating healthy. We have to learn how to become dedicated to the process over time, to enjoy how we feel and what it is providing us in the process.
The act of delaying gratification helps to strengthen your mind and shape your character. It builds self-control & willpower, reinforces self-discipline, & teaches you about the value of patience.
The good news is that with each decision you make (e.g., I’m going to eat vegetables tonight instead of a sleeve of oreos), you’re creating connections in your brain that help support your line of reasoning and positive habits. This is how you build momentum… the more days (& months & years) making healthy decisions, the easier it is to continue.
Retrain Your Beliefs When You Feel Stuck
Sometimes the journey towards our goals passes through these stages where it seems like nothing is really taking place. We feel stuck; we might feel like nothing is happening to advance our progress. It’s often in these times that the greatest changes are taking place.
So much of this process is about what goes on with us on the inside, and while we stare anxiously in the mirror for evidence of the physical changes, it’s actually what is happening on the inside that is the most powerful. Each day that we find it within ourselves to exercise, we are building discipline, inner strength, perseverance and our ability to dedicate ourselves to things that really matter.
Fat loss, toned muscles and all of the physical rewards of our daily training are really just the by-products of having the inner fortitude to stick it out day in day out. This inner power that we develop has the ability to touch every area of our lives, and the confidence it can lend each of us is truly just as transformative as all of the amazing physical results we experience together.
Think about your strength today during your workout and feel the drive of your movements from the inside out – it’s there, where your true power rests.
Our team has spent hundreds of hours studying, researching and learning this stuff in order to best streamline the process for you while also educating you along the way.
Likely, if you haven't gotten to your goals, you're missing something. We love working with open-minded, willing to learn and eager to see change individuals.
Coaching spots are available, apply here and let’s chat!