A woman holding an orange slice in her hands

Every day I talk with women who feel out of control around food and who say they use food as a comfort in times of:

  • Stress

  • Boredom

  • Sadness

  • Celebration

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

Whether you reach for food when your emotions shift, you lose all control at the end of the day, whether you closet eat or, once you start you really can not stop...

You are NOT alone. 

Food is meant to be both enjoyable and nourishing, but somewhere along the way it starts to become a void filler, a reward, a comfort, and also a fear. It's certainly not anything to be ashamed of, but food is an inevitable part of life and it will sure feel a lot more fun without being controlled by food.


So, how do you gain back control?


Each time you eat, literally ask yourself, “am I hungry? Am I eating this out of hunger or because I’m feeling ______?” This is one way to start listening to your body again. Eating is not going to make the underlying feelings go away. It’s just a temporary way to numb and comfort yourself. Food can mask many things. So instead, “what do you really need?” And in what way would giving in and eating actually benefit you? How can you replace that with something that will also make you feel great about yourself? Make a list of what you could do in times of stress, or boredom INSTEAD of your usual food attack.

HOMEWORK #1: Write down 10 meals or snacks you’ve eaten in the last few weeks that satisfied you and made you feel great about yourself. This might even include so-called treats! It’s not about certain foods like chocolate being "bad", it’s about the intention behind your need to eat them. There is a huge difference between a piece or two of quality chocolate enjoyed and a secret or frantic eating to deal with or stuff down feelings and emotions. Differentiate. Know that it’s okay to indulge from a calm place. Be smart about incorporating foods that truly satisfy you.

HOMEWORK #2: And make a list of the things you find relaxing and which provide you relief from stress that are not food related. Music, bubble baths, fragrances, candles, massages, reading, napping, move, stretch, dance, breathe deeply, ride a bike, go for a walk, lift weights, roller blade, swim, take a yoga or an aerobics class, run. Go to these things each time you feel that yearn for emotional eating coming on. And take time to relax yourself on a regular basis as this might just be what is needed – regular time for just YOU and relaxation.



Decide your day before it decides you. Planning helps take out the emotion to your food choices. Having food ready to go allows you to be prepared when hunger kicks in and eat out of a controlled mindset. And just like other daily tasks, schedule your meals out (actually set an alarm on your phone if needed) to not get to a place of starving where it’s even harder to choose well when emotional changes happen. 



Have a variety of healthier option foods with different flavors and textures on hand at home or work. Sweet, salty, crunchy, crisp, refreshing, or rich. Then you can choose a food based on what you are truly craving and not just what is convenient.



It takes 10-20 minutes for your brain to get the message from your stomach that you are full. If you gulp down your food or eat on the run, your brain will not feel satisfied and you are likely to overeat.


I have never worked on any big goal in my life without some form of support or another. I’ve worked with coaches of varying kinds for years who support me in different ways. Some of which I spend money on and others which I have created, they are my support team, my go-to for help and accountability in everything from meeting my physical goals, to strategizing dreams and making things happen in my business, to dealing with fears and blockages. I BELIEVE – that everyone needs a support team. Yours might include the support and even involvement of friends, family or colleagues, it might mean being part of an incredible online community, or it might mean working one on one with a coach who can help you to deal with your “emotional brain” and get to the heart of why you can’t seem to stop sabotaging yourself.


Here to help. Reach out with questions, comments or an "I'm ready" to change how I feel around food.


