One cannot
think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
It’s not always easy to meal prep when there is a holiday weekend or travels, but I know that taking the ‘easy’ way out, and not doing it, really isn’t going to be easy this coming week.
In fact, it’s going to make everything harder.
Plus, I have learned myself that lesson already. Not having a plan for the week, not having food prepped, equals not feeling my best and not moving closer to my goals.
So, since it’s a non-negotiable for me, how do I prepare when I choose not to make time to prepare over a holiday weekend? I’m sharing my plan below!
(Notice how I said “choose not to make time” over “don’t have time” very different statements. It is ultimately IN my control and I could make time if I wanted).
This week I’m opting for meals that take 20 minutes or less and not doing a massive bulk prep but instead, as I go to eat something, making multiples of that thing.
Dinners for the week:
Monday - Holiday (leftovers from grilling out - grilled chicken, peach salad, and potatoes.
Tuesday - Caulicrunch white fish (take out to defrost Monday night) in the air fryer with organic jasmine rice and a greek salad (artichoke hearts, roasted red pepper, olives + olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper)
Wednesday - Frozen Rao’s Meatballs and Sauce with bell peppers, onion and mushrooms and pasta (Bionaturae Fusilli Pasta Noodles is our favorite)
Thursday - Scallops (take out to defrost Wednesday night) with sheet pan veggies and Fillo’s black beans
Friday - Date night out
Lunches: This week, anything I make, I’ll make extra to save time. So instead of making the 4 ham roll ups, I’ll make 8 so I have them for the next day, too.
Charcuterie plate with leftover grilled chicken slices, organic cheese, cherry tomatoes, celery, apple and Simple Mills crackers (pantry staple!)
Sustainably caught avocado Tuna salad with romaine/endive leaves or organic rice cakes (keep stocked sustainable caught tuna in pantry)
Ham roll ups - Organic ham slices with slice of bell pepper, slice of pickle and slice of jicama, within (Really any veggies you have on hand will do)
Dinner leftovers
Veggies (Cut Monday night) and Hummus
Hard boiled eggs (Make Monday night)
Jerky - I love Epic, Chomps or PaleoValley (keep stocked in pantry)
Aloha bars (keep stocked in pantry)
Fruit (no fruit salad this week, takes more time)
Protein Oatmeal (1/2 cup oats + Protein powder (I love Ora Organics), 1 TBSP ground flax, fruit of choice, nut/seed of choice)
Smoothies (Frozen blueberries, fennel, unsweetend vanilla almond milk, Protein powder (I love Ora Organics), 1 TBSP chia and 1 TBSP flax oil)
Organic pasture raised eggs with any veggies on hand, and toast with ghee